The Dubai Supreme Council of Energy has set a dynamic strategic direction to achieve a savings in power & water consumption. A balanced approach is defined to drive feasible renewable energy projects while developing a regulatory framework and adaptation of technologies.
Policies andGovernance
Behavioral Pricing
Manage pricing to influence community consumption behaviour
Financial Strategies
Develop and execute finanical mechanisms to drive the DIES 2030
Policy Leadership
Identify and Drive Policies and regulations.
Demand Management
Efficiency Measures
Implement demand abatement and energy efficiency measures
Consumption Mapping
Evaluate energy consumption and develop intensity mapping
Abatement Technologies
Evaluate and introduce abatement technologies for wate, power and transportation fuel
Supply Managment
Integrated Strategy
Securce gas supply throughintegrated gas strategy
Demand Forecasting
Streamline demand growth rate and supply forecasting
Diverse Fuel Mix
Diversity fuel mix by adding solar, nuclear and other
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