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+971 56 439 7729

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25+ Years

We have more than years of experience

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About Company

Digital & Trusted Transport Logistic Company

Praesent at maximus quam. Aliquam erat velit, commodo eu sollicitudin in, fermentum non lectus. Mauris vestibulum consequat elit et tristique. Vestibulum vitae nunc nec mauris fermentum fringilla. Pellentesque a augue tellus.

Global Service

We always provide people a complete solution focused of any business.

Local Service

Nam eget convallis neque. Sed porta eleifend posuere integer posuere purus.

About Company

We Provide a Reliable Services Since 2012

Welcome to Faster, where the world moves at the speed of your ambition. We are more than just a shipping service; we are your gateway to boundless possibilities. Whether by air, water, or land, we carry your dreams across oceans, over mountains, and through skies with precision and care. Every shipment is a journey, and with Faster, that journey is swift, seamless, and secure. From the moment your goods leave their origin to the moment they reach their destination, we make sure time is always on your side. Faster—where distance fades and horizons expand, delivering not just cargo, but connection, promise, and potential.

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Our Mission

To be recognized as a responsible and fair organization, committed in providing a precise, prompt and courteous service to our customers. Our aim is to provide expert solutions and to enhance customer satisfaction by expressly delivering their belongings to their loved ones. our mission is to deliver excellence in every shipment. We are committed to providing reliable, efficient, and innovative logistics services that meet our customers' evolving needs.

Our Vision

Our vision is to offer a comprehensive logistics solutions to our customers and become their top priority by our quality services. Our mission is to deliver excellence in every shipment. We are committed to providing reliable, efficient, and innovative logistics services that meet our customers' evolving needs.


Parcel Delivered


Total Branch


Satisfied Clients


Delivered Packages

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What People and Clients Think About Us?

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; finibus malesuada.

John Doe

Morbi placerat neque. Morbi venenatis. Donec dignissim dui et efficitur, luctus nunc maximus. Curabitur ornare.

jon doe

Curabitur vehicula fermentum iaculis. Praesent cursus eros finibus sem gravida, quis data tempus lectus varius.

jane salima

Ut pharetra neque sit amet urna pulvinar venenatis. Suspendisse iaculis blandit libero, condimentum dui consequat.

steve powers

Rhoncus odio, finibus molestie leo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean mauris massa, accumsan gravida, tempor elit.

erin chang